emperorfunband's listening history

FDR's avatar
Rock n roll!
FDR's avatar
The morning after the night before!
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The last song for the challenge
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Title track of my new project, as my other group? The Seven Spiders. This song is experimental dub influenced chamber music, I am exploring the possibilities of humour in music trying to make the music itself amusing ... if that makes any sense…
Reefwalker's avatar
jqscutt posted the acoustic guitar track looking for ideas, not sure if it turned into the genre he was looking for :) The auuuggga horn sound was another classic unplanned phone interruption during the vocal recording but it seems to fit in…
Tipu's avatar
A Barren electric guitar that sounds as if it has been going through a broken amp. And complimenting synths and percussion. In retrospect, it sounds a bit similar to Trent Reznor's work, but I have always been a fan of his music so no surprise.
Tipu's avatar
Too much Radiohead.
Tipu's avatar
A Barren electric guitar that sounds as if it has been going through a broken amp. And complimenting synths and percussion. In retrospect, it sounds a bit similar to Trent Reznor's work, but I have always been a fan of his music so no surprise.
Tipu's avatar
Headlights. Sirens. Rush. Pandemonium. Fear. Hope.
Tipu's avatar
Title is a lyric by The Mars Volta (The Whip Hand). Seemed succinct as an intro track leading to Foreboding.