A mashup with
Roger Sundström Guitar, Soundscaping
Bruce Hamilton (rumfuz)
Paul Muller (IF 3-2-12)
Richard Sanderson (Wren)
Steve Moshier (Trash Can Holiday)
Paulo Chagos (Capricho)
Benjamin Smith (Ben.improv.Feb.27.2012)
for ImprovFriday 2012-03-03
A mashup with
Roger Sundström Toyguitar, Soundscaping
Fabio Keiner (windchimes)
Benjamin Smith (Ben.improv.Mar.15.2012)
J.C. Combs (chrome castle)
Paul Chagos (Slips of a hopeless romantic)
Paul H. Muller (Conjunction)
Kawal Samarkand (a dialog…
Thanks fallingupart,
In "Sooner Or Later" I´m using a algorithmic-music generator creating a wavefile with just using my Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth in the computer. I have later processed that file with some vst-plugins.
A mash/add-on for the Sound-In event this week. Took Glenn Smith's bass piece ("Enter the Ice") from last week, added Shane Cadman's chimes then played some "frozen" guitar over that.
Comments on erocnet's stuff
Cool track man!
Surreal - sound track to a dream
Nice dark ambient mash Roger.
Nicely ambient and amorphous.
Like the crystal acoustic tone and space there.
Comments made by erocnet
Nice groove here :-)
Lovely sounds!
Thanks fallingupart, In "Sooner Or Later" I´m using a algorithmic-music generator creating a wavefile with just using my Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth in the computer. I have later processed that file with some vst-plugins.
Sometimes you never know when it comes, the inspiration, the sound, the moment... this is a good piece created in the moment of equipment check!
Beautiful texture and spirit in this track,
Yeah! Nice combinations here Chris :-)