Soar's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Gary Fox's avatar
Matter Of Fate- This song started as a riff I was doing while tuning my guitar. It sounded cool, so I happened to record it on a small dictation recorder I have so I wouldn’t forget it. When I listened to the riff it just screamed Sticky Fingers…
albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen)'s avatar
A ghost tries to get me to join her on the "other" side.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is a jump blues instrumental.
charleswalker28's avatar
This is a slow blues that was recorded live.
Gary Fox's avatar
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…
Gary Fox's avatar
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…
Soar's avatar
A problem we all have at some time, right guys?
Soar's avatar
When we finally decide to settle down we can find a place like Kansas
Soar's avatar
Written for all those who lost their lives in the horrific Victorian (Australia) bushfires in 2009.