facemask93's listening history

facemask93's avatar
This song was written about being regressed under hypnosis , to discover what happened , when as a young boy i started a fire in a cornfield , and hid from the trouble i knew would ensue , it was recorded live
facemask93's avatar
This is a song about meeting a new love & soul mate , written just hours after a first date in the new forest
facemask93's avatar
This has probably the least effert i've ever put into a song , i was sat at my computer falling asleep , when i had the urge to sing this beautiful George Harrison song , i could'nt be asked to get up and change guitars , so using my PRS Singlecut…
facemask93's avatar
When i first bought my Ukelele this was the reason , hearing this song just made my mind up , i had to learn it For George
facemask93's avatar
This song was written about being regressed under hypnosis , to discover what happened , when as a young boy i started a fire in a cornfield , and hid from the trouble i knew would ensue , it was recorded live
thetworegs's avatar
A favorite Bob Dylan song i think it's quite apt today in dear old Blighty as she's starting to sink...i got the local Brass Band in for this one it was a bit of a tight squeeze but we managed to get it done....Hope you enjoy and the words get…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been waiting for this day for what seems an age....and now it's here...Today is the day.... Today is the day Today is the day Today is the day Todays got to be the day i’m going to pack all those bad things in a suitcase and walk…
facemask93's avatar
This is a song about meeting a new love & soul mate , written just hours after a first date in the new forest
facemask93's avatar
Another Singer /Songwriter that i admire so much , ive managed to see him four times over the years , this was recorded live , just how i like it
henwrench's avatar