Floppy Jalopy's listening history

glu's avatar
a darker movement from 2005. electric guitar+violin bow.
kirklynch's avatar
A short unfinished jazzy kinda thing from the end of 2006
kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
Skidoo!'s avatar
Commissioned for a horse dance. [1997]
Skidoo!'s avatar
Hypnogogic Hyperbeing Ahoy! [1996]
Skidoo!'s avatar
Obviously inspired by Steve Reich (in the afternoon). The song would have been longer, but a nasty hard disk failure took out the original wavs. An alternative title could be Techno-dog Eats Homework. [2001/2003]
Skidoo!'s avatar
An earlier version of the Soothing Mad Apple classic. Included here for completeness. [2003]