Scott Leland Holmes's listening history

Scott Leland Holmes's avatar
Another experiment in a Reaper recording session that started with an odd piano part made up on the spot that grew into a monstrous multi track session that my cpu had trouble keeping up with. Mostly proud of the ending and the guitars I layered…
Scott Leland Holmes's avatar
A piano part from way back when I was in high school. Recently started experimenting with Reaper recording and plugins so this is was come out of it. Imagined a battle at a great green wall in some middle earth type place. Lots of guitar soloing…
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "the Machine" feel, the cold steel my heart, has no soul what more, could I ask for a life with no goal it's hard to be a total automaton here we, go softly into that good night and press on, the games won no need to…
Scott Leland Holmes's avatar
This is my new acoustic duo with Nicole Salmond- "This Side of Normal" One of our original songs we wrote together called Crazy Eyes
Scott Leland Holmes's avatar
James and I on one of our brainstorming nights, trying to come up with a Christmas song. Sorry for the bad recording, I know I have a better one somewhere just need to find it. Merry 3 Ton Jack Christmas!
Brett Warren's avatar
A frou frou romp through the psych ward.
G-no's avatar
I wrote this song for a benefit I played for the Yellowstone wolves. It is the true story of the reintroduction of the wolves in Yellowstone Park . It's an ongoing controversy between the out laying rangers and environmentalist
JR James's avatar
Found this old track while backing up my hard drive. It is an alternate tracked played at a slower tempo. I added a quick drum track and ruff remix this morning.
J dY Stamp's avatar
Russian folk song, arranged for a trio. Zelko Krakan - violin, Kira Van Dausen - cello, and me - guitar.
Scott Leland Holmes's avatar
This is a song that Rhonda Vincent sings and I recorded it for my Grandmother's funeral. My try at some Bluegrass style.