future perfect deluxe's listening history

egobandit's avatar
Its a story of a flies life when its getting to the end of the day and your running out of energy, but the hand that is trying to get the fly does not.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Sometimes you just have to make flutes out of the bones.
Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Sister Savage's avatar
Another one from the archives! Collab with glu from 2009 - I took his original guitar track and added vocals, then he remixed and made about four more versions, but this is my fave.
igor's avatar
Lebenslinie (Life Line) Life, if you look back at your own one, or at the stories of others, often seems to be presented as an ornate line. This line is trying to branch out, but since a person is indivisible, that lifeline is always one, but…