The Happy Inconsistencies

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The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Just another random synth jam that I might write lyrics for later.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A synth jam made with some dubstep-chops of Bollywood vocals with 808 and 303 acid line beat. 101 bpm. Can be looped.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Preset for MSoundFactory
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A synth jam created using mostly instances of the UVI Falcon Softsynth, including Falcon's own version of an 808 drum machine sequencer. The sequence is mostly the same thing just paused and restarted here and there where a pause felt better…
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Little thing I whipped up to play with Other Desert Cities, my new favorite delay effect (vst plugin).

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The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Just another random synth jam that I might write lyrics for later.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A synth jam made with some dubstep-chops of Bollywood vocals with 808 and 303 acid line beat. 101 bpm. Can be looped.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Preset for MSoundFactory
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A synth jam created using mostly instances of the UVI Falcon Softsynth, including Falcon's own version of an 808 drum machine sequencer. The sequence is mostly the same thing just paused and restarted here and there where a pause felt better…
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Little thing I whipped up to play with Other Desert Cities, my new favorite delay effect (vst plugin).

Recent Favorites

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Some days you feel alone in the universe.
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Little round weight In the center of my chest Little hopeless thoughts Kept close to my vest Little circles of personal frustration Endless waves of Pointless vacillation Dishonest assumptions Copacetic prevarication…
The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A quiet and reflective abstract ambient piece for chilling out or falling asleep.
Collin Pendleton's avatar
Track six on The Role-Playing Maestro
Collin Pendleton's avatar

Latest Comments

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Noodling about on my nylon string classical guitar. Just a short idea for a future song melody.
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

lot of potential man. Write it.

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Don't you forget to feed the machine It's why you're here You're here to serve not to be seen You are replaceable You won't be missed Some day it will be as if you Never did exist You're here to feel A little joy You're here to…
winstonbmusic's avatar
winstonbmusic said

the machine is pleased with that soundfood

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Instrumental piece
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Great feel! Tension...but light...ambient Darth Vader.

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
Instrumental piece
Paul Matthews's avatar
Paul Matthews said

Thanks for your kind comment about the Concerto - not a synth library as such, but the BBC Symphony Orchestra Core library from Spitfire Audio. Love the ethereal feel of this track of yours, by the way....👍

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
A charango (andean musical instrument like a ukelele and a mandolin who made a baby, who moved to Peru) and a guitar have a small dialogue.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Nice idea...

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar

Amateur Guitar/Synth/Piano Songwriter. Nerd. Dude.

from British Columbia, CA

Who The Happy Inconsistencies follows

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36 tracks