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Angels We Have Heard On High

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Every year a few of us RPM Challenge aficionados record a Christmas track for fun. It’s partially to dust off the cobwebs before February, partially just a chance to do something different. This year I decided to do a version of this number, since I felt like doing an uptempo version. I then colored it in with various tones, textures, and whatnot. It’s the whatnot that I think I like the most. Merry Christmas, cheers, and whatnot! -Gary, Dec 7, 2018.

KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

Another fine tune, Gary I really like your stuff KC

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Proof there aren't enough prog angels! Tight like a festive drum (as always).

BogStomp's avatar
BogStomp said

Well done my friend!

Matt Ferrara's avatar
Matt Ferrara said

I love this, Gary! Happy holidays.
