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Well, Well, Well

Gary Fox

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Well, Well, Well- There is still unadulterated, unabashed love in the world. Yes, the song is masculine sounding, no shock there, since I am a guy. However, despite a friend’s comments to the contrary, I didn’t intend this song to be about getting naked and f***ing in the grass somewhere. If that’s what someone wants it to be, fine with me, enjoy yourself or, preferably, you and your partner enjoy yourselves with this song as the soundtrack.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

This might be the best of the best.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Damn... Love this song.

Guest said

Love the guitar tone on this! (and the song!)

Guest said

Great tune and mix.

Guest said

So good man!!

Guest said

"I didn’t intend this song to be about getting naked and f*ing in the grass somewhere. If that’s what someone wants it to be, fine with me, enjoy yourself or, preferably, you and your partner enjoy yourselves with this song as the soundtrack." *inspired*

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