Galileo's Cough Drop's listening history

520's avatar
I called it this because that was the first thing that came into my mind when I played it back after writing it.
520's avatar
This was one of my more popular pieces that I had up from SoundCloud (and no I'm not the kind that draws thousands, not that i mind).
520's avatar
This was another one of my more popular pieces that I had up from SoundCloud. I can't remember the story of how I wrote this. I was probably just messing around.
Visions of Nell's avatar
The chorus is adapted from "O Death Rock Me Asleep", by Anne Boleyn, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, waiting for her execution. (Tolar & Savigear 2010)
Drop D's avatar
This solo studio dub jam was created and recorded in about 8 hours of play time one day. As usual, it starts with a simple drum machine track, then fretless bass, then keys, guitar, then a Balinese kecak drum and a tbilat drum and finally melodica…
Drop D's avatar
This tune was written on the day I bought my vintage Yamaha CP-25 electric piano and returned to hear that Dennis Hopper had passed away. I fired up the gear and cranked this out. The sound of the piano made me feel like Ray Manzarek...thus the…
Drop D's avatar
This track is almost 14 years old, but is the result of me getting an hour or so alone in the KIIS FM studios thanks to my old college buddy Mike Madrigal who was doing production imaging for the station at the time. I did the drum loops (sampled…
Drop D's avatar
Drop-D is the dub project of producer/bass player Scott A. Meister living on Mt. Fuji where he also runs a Bed & Breakfast with his wife on Lake Yamanaka (a.k.a. Yamanakako). C-4 is a studio jam.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 65 miles all along I walk 13 miles of barbwire just to sing my song I walk 65 miles…
coelocanth's avatar
Son Eric and I watched the Moog doc then played around with the Moog Filtatron app.