Comments on glu's stuff

glu's avatar
Welcome to my 300th Alonetone upload! I sit with a pile of books to read in a house full of boxes and my studio is not even completely set up; however, I had no choice but to write and record this tune today once the sun went down. This song is…
Erik Spangler's avatar
Erik Spangler said

Beautiful and brave. Your new ventures with vocals remind me a bit of RJD2's recent move in "The Third Hand"- except I think you have a better voice.

glu's avatar
Welcome to my 300th Alonetone upload! I sit with a pile of books to read in a house full of boxes and my studio is not even completely set up; however, I had no choice but to write and record this tune today once the sun went down. This song is…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Oh yes nice one as usual well done.

glu's avatar
Welcome to my 300th Alonetone upload! I sit with a pile of books to read in a house full of boxes and my studio is not even completely set up; however, I had no choice but to write and record this tune today once the sun went down. This song is…
Guest said

awesome song glu. GREAT should sing more often. Your profile says you are into anthropology..did you hear about that bones they found that predate lucy by 1 million years?

glu's avatar
Welcome to my 300th Alonetone upload! I sit with a pile of books to read in a house full of boxes and my studio is not even completely set up; however, I had no choice but to write and record this tune today once the sun went down. This song is…
 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

sounds like my wind chimes in the garden, great build as it progresses. love the breathy vocal.

glu's avatar
just a chill tune, made to sound like warm analog love. Props to you if you can hear the elephant sounds throughout the track. ;)
Guest said

Fave'd - mighty mighty nice... love this.

glu's avatar
just a chill tune, made to sound like warm analog love. Props to you if you can hear the elephant sounds throughout the track. ;)
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Missed this one- great stuff on a rainy morning!

glu's avatar
Field recording from SE Peru. Came across this pissed off spider monkey and decided to record a few minutes of this vocal bout. I'm not sure what elicited such a vocal temperament, and of course, at the time, I was worried it was a large cat…
ModernMedicine's avatar
ModernMedicine said

The first clip in that KT mix is actually from a songs called "spider monkey". Thanks for all the kind words by the way!

glu's avatar
Left over junk from RPM 2009
glu's avatar
glu said

frustrator! That's a good idea! I should try that out :-)

glu's avatar
Left over junk from RPM 2009
Guest said

great beats and hats. i opened it in another window and i play them both at the same time, a quarter note apart.

glu's avatar
Field recording from SE Peru. Came across this pissed off spider monkey and decided to record a few minutes of this vocal bout. I'm not sure what elicited such a vocal temperament, and of course, at the time, I was worried it was a large cat…
Guest said


glu's avatar
Sister Savage has a little star in this track! Melody based on 'ah! vous dirai-je, Maman,' by Mozart.. the original composer. I think it's the first and second variation of 12, but that was like 15 years ago that I learned the piece so I have…
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said


glu's avatar
more tabla/club music. this one needs some melodic work, perhaps some more instrument layering, more chord progressions... anyhow, should be enjoyable enough for now.
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

I don't go to clubs much but this wit fit the bill perfectly. If I were a DJ I'd play it!

glu's avatar
this song was constructed with 10 elephant samples and nothing else
glu's avatar
glu said

@ noëlle-- thanks! Glad you are enjoying the tunage! If you are interested in more music made with animal samples, check out the bioelectrophilia playlist, made mostly from samples I recorded in the Peruvian Amazon last year. Thanks for listening!

glu's avatar
more tabla/club music. this one needs some melodic work, perhaps some more instrument layering, more chord progressions... anyhow, should be enjoyable enough for now.
glu's avatar
glu said

hahaha. no can do, Bethan.. it was designed to make it drop! :-) maybe I should write a disclaimer? I heard it also causes listeners to spill their drinks ;-)

glu's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Relaxing groove- nice! You have anything special planned for upload number 300?

glu's avatar
this song was constructed with 10 elephant samples and nothing else
Guest said

I just wanted to let you know that this song got me hooked on your musique. I love it all! Excellent excellent tunes! :D peace! -noëlle-

glu's avatar
theme from mid-late March, 2009
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

I dig this! You didn't disappoint either! I was waiting for a change up and got it at 0:50. Very nice!

glu's avatar
Left over junk from RPM 2009
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

This is pretty slick for left over junk! I wish my junk sounded like this!

glu's avatar
Field recording from SE Peru. Came across this pissed off spider monkey and decided to record a few minutes of this vocal bout. I'm not sure what elicited such a vocal temperament, and of course, at the time, I was worried it was a large cat…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

I was at the Cincinnati Zoo a couple weekends ago and heard some irritated monkeys of my own. There were two bonnaroo monkeys that were just making noises back and forth. I wish I would have brought my field recorder!

glu's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

awesome. the only word that fits.
