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Playlist cover

glu's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by glu



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Just a beat. 32 bars at 87bpm. Download, remix, slice, dice, do what you do. I know I will.

See the TogetherTone forum for more info.

glu's avatar
glu said

PS Wicked beat! Sounds like a glubot factory for sure! Parts made from China to Mexico.. assembled and QC'd in the U.S. glubots not made by child or sweatshop labor!

glu's avatar
glu said

Oh hahaha! Love it...honored by the homage! I'm away from my glubotizing machine at this moment.. I am still thankfully part human... but when I get back to it I will have some fun with the glubot-for-a-day! Cheers to You and Sandbags!
