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Playlist cover

glu's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by glu



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This is my first recording and not great quality. I have ordered a better quality microphone, just waiting for it to arrive. Quality aside, I was hoping for some constructive critcism/comments on my version of this song.

Guest said


Guest said


sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

this is a really great cover and what a fantastic voice, nice one!

Guest said

Wow great cover!! Its done really well and your voice sounds great! Nice work!!

the F7 project's avatar
the F7 project said

The lo-fi ambience of the recording goes well with the simple arrangement and plaintive quality of the song. It works OK like this. On the other hand, I can't wait to hear your voice with more clarity. Your vocals have tone, pitch, and chops. Keep the songs coming!

Guest said

good choice..I like the part in the video where the guitar playing is bent over his guitar....hehe. I'm trying to work on my vocals's a long hard road filled with self doubt...but if you can hear it in your can obtain it.

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Thanks for your comments. Will be posting a house music track in next week or so. I think its my best work yet. Again thanks. Think your voice is amazing by the way.

Tom Harter's avatar
Tom Harter said

Thanks for enjoying my tracks and for your comments Katie!!!:-) I love the raw quality of your recording of Creep, but I agree that a better recording would benefit your voice greatly;-). There will always be time to investigate recording technology:-)!!!

creeper's avatar
creeper said

I love the Radiohead cover. Welcome to Alonetone, keep them coming. And thanks for checking out my stuff.

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Hello Katie, You sing????? Regards, Gareth.

Guest said

Nice voice... deserves better recording :) that hum in the background is a bit annoying. I've privated this comment as I hate saying anything negative publicly... enjoy alonetone :)

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Something you should realize - if you recognize what you are, that makes you better than most people. Pretty special, huh? ER

moschell's avatar
moschell said

I'm always jealous of the singers. Nice voice. Looking forward to hearing more

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

well done very nice voice, enjoy alonetone!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Love your voice- welcome to alonetone!!

glu's avatar
glu said

just perfect. lovely voice. welcome!!!

Guest said

This is one of my favourite songs, and I love your version. Beautiful. I love your voice - such tenderness. Welcome to the site. :-)
