goss's listening history

monopoli's avatar
The lyrics started out as being about talking to someone and somehow you never get on the same wavelenght. You say something and the other person goes: "Yeah, I know what you mean like this...etc..." and goes on about something you didn't mean…
monopoli's avatar
Technically it's OK; I like the guitar and basslines. The lyrics and vocals I'm not so fond of. I hoped to have enough time to replace this one later in february with a better one but alas, it was not to be...
monopoli's avatar
'm doing a course in Mandarin Chinese and mamahuhu is one of my favourite words. It means so-so (literally horsehorsetigertiger); "not so good". In this lyric I just allowed myself to whine about my situation; get it over with. I like the harmony…
monopoli's avatar
Made for the 2015 RPM Challenge
Peter Rudenko's avatar
Originally titled 'helio::instance().init();' The first track I wrote in a midi sequencer of my own work (called Helio Workstation: http://helioworkstation.com)