goss's listening history

JESMIAUS 's avatar
First recording from when I got my volume pedal.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Short, but pretty cool.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Finally going to end this RPM with a slop fest. Pretty disgusted with my efforts. I did have some fun though. I feel like I just gave birth to a full set of Ludwigs. High gloss black of course.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Homegrown loops, cut and pasted. Drumming with loops. I'm going loopty looooo...
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Kickin' off RPM this year with instrumentals. I don't feel much like singing. Or trying for that matter. I may put some vox on this when I'm feeling a bit better. Enjoy!
Djörk's avatar
If Ennio Morricone and Dr. Dre smoked a buttload of crack and decided to collaborate, except that one of them thought he was writing a soundtrack for the Godfather Part 11, and the other for Phantom of the Opera, Part 2, The Unwanted Sequel…
Djörk's avatar
This something I put together pretty quickly. But it reminds a little of the stuff they play in between news stories on NPR's radio show, "All Things Considered." Dear Robert Siegel, please play my song on the radio :) Remixed: 12/18/2010 keywords…
Djörk's avatar
On a brisk autumn evening, in front of the Weather Channel, fast asleep, my dog and I dreamed up this song. keywords: electronic, experimental, chill, instrumental "Remastered" - 12/18/2010