Greeny (Outta Here)'s listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was positive that she was the one until he had chat with Norm who said "Be careful remember Desirea" Norm was only trying to help but it has put doubt in Reg's mind and now hes not sure what he wants...........................thought i'd do…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was reading the paper today about the Spandex vigilante. Now Reg has got himself sorted becoming a superhero appeals to him. Ummmm about the suit i think it should be Blue to match my eyes with a large TTR motif of some sort on the chest in…
thetworegs's avatar
While Reg was travelling the country he met an old Indian gentleman called Abdul Aziz in a newsagents in the city of Bradford in the North of England while buying his morning paper. Reg struck up a conversation with the old man and they got on…
thetworegs's avatar
Who should come down the cellar to see Elvis but Bon Scott. Reg got on with him like a house on fire, i mean they have a lot in common. Reg told him all about his new love. S o they decided to jam and this is what they came up with…
Geir's avatar
I woke up one day after a dream about mice crawling over me ... and ended up writing this song .......
beatnikturtle's avatar
Original song: from the album, - December. Written from a kid's perspective, this song challenges his parents to come clean about the truth behind Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. After all, lies make the Baby…
beatnikturtle's avatar
Original song: from the album, - December. This was one of the last songs recorded for project. The original version was completely a sixties-inspired orchestra ballad a la something off The Beatles album…
beatnikturtle's avatar
Original song: from the album, When I Was Your Age (which started off life as our RPM album for 2009). When I Was Your Age features songs that take a look back at when we were kids. If you're anything like us, Saturday mornings were about two…
Gary Fox's avatar
Songs sometimes are best left to the listener. This is one of them.
Gary Fox's avatar
Originally meant to sound more Hendrix-ey, this one informed me that acoustic was the way to start. As always, the song was right, I was wrong.