Sandy Gritt's listening history
The Dutch painter Mondrian was apparantly a fervent dancer to Boogie Woogie and that image stuck because he seems such a stiff guy otherwise. So I thought that would make a funny subject for a dance-tune. Normally I wouldn't make a song about…
A Song About an old Saying......
Sh*t Happens......
T.Mokbul 2010
-In A Day-
Half a Glass of Gasoline
Mixed with Some Kerosene
Stirred in with Coffee
Laced with amphetamine
All That it Takes in A Day
To get by…
Low-frills bass and piano piece. Not my usual fare (whatever that is), but still fun to create.
My cover version of Erik's project Monopoli/ Off his 2010RPM album. I still have this one in my head!
Once of City Steve and the Neon Lights. this was my first cover.
This song is done in the style of "the rake Song" by the decemberist. yeah. that just happened.