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Nahnay Nahnay

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This one’s for that little black and tan, Nahannah.


I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how’d you get so good
how’d you get so good

I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how’d you get so good
how’d you get so good

first thing this morning when I got outta bed
I stumbled through the hallway holding my head
I heard the tail thwapping up and down the wall
I look down and there’s my little doggy dog

I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how’d you get so good
how’d you get so good

I said nahnay nahnay nahynay hey
how’d you get so good
how’d you get so good

I come home from work man it’s late at night
I really don’t think my boss treats me right
I just need a place to lay my head
and there’s my dog already in bed

I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how’d you get so good
how’d you get so good

I said nahnay nahnay nahnay hey
how’d you get so good

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

simple and so effective...whatta sound! Aces!

Guest said

This is kick ass! Really like the guitars and bass in this. Thanks for your comments too by the way!

glu's avatar
glu said

just want to plug this one again! Love it!!

Guest said

Hey, "how'd you get so good?" My admiration to you.

Guest said

ack! the glubot is blocked from the spam filter! I sent you a comment while logged in, still waiting for it to go through. Anyhow, amazing work, Brando. Love each style and mood. Nahnay Nahnay is my favorite tune so far, but they are each awesome...especially given that you did them in 24hrs.

glu's avatar
glu said

Brando, you are my hero. Amazing work. Love each tune. Congrats on yet another 24h!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great fun. A really great 24hr effort altogether!

Megafauna Lacrimosa's avatar
Megafauna Lacrimosa said

I'm afraid you're going to have to take this down. It's too cool.

Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

Congrats brando on finishing! Lots of tasty aural morsels in these tracks, it's really an amazing body of work that you pumped out in 24 hours. Amazing. Enjoy the sleeeeeeep!
