Geir's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has realized the fun is over and the door has been closed so it must be time to come down. There is always tomorrow.................
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was having a battle with his subconscious which one part had decided not to repent his sins for his failed relationships and wanted to carry on the party whirlwind it had been living but the other side of Reg's consciousness wanted the dream…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg made a new friend Norman he met him in town and brought him back to the cellar.................
Sandy Gritt's avatar
A beautiful song by our fellow Canadian Bruce Cockburn. Guitars by Dave Berry Vocals and Moog synth by Sandy Gritt
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back in love the broken heart has healed and he wants to tell the world ......... ONLY YOU (Lyrics) I surrender my life I surrender my dreams I surrender my thoughts Because it’s true i love you I love only You are the sun…
Dave Berry's avatar
thetworegs - amazing vocals (is that really you Elvis, damn, what a vocal) Dave - Electric guitar, synth, bass, drums from Boss microBR. This was a labour of love. I have loved this song, and this version (Elvis) as long as I can remember…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been philosophising about life tonight and this is his conclusion............ LIFE IS LIKE A WAVE The body is the sea and life is the wave Life is just like a wave Life is just like a wave Life is like a wave gaining power Life is like…
thetworegs's avatar
Well as you've come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He's decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he's sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ............. This one, i heard…
stoman's avatar
Vocals: Tricia Dovidio Lyrics: Tricia Dovidio Composed by Tricia Dovidio Guitars: Mike Woodford Bass: Andy Gupta Drums: Stephen Smith Synthesizers: Steffen Offermann Arranged & mixed by Steffen Offermann…
thetworegs's avatar
With all the highs in Regs life, it had to equal out and Reg has dropped like a stone ........he's broken.........he's had a breakdown.....Well let's face it. It had to happen he was just pushing himself too much. Hopefully he can carry on the…