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Seasons in the Sub

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a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud

Jefferson Cole's avatar
Jefferson Cole said

really great tapestry of sound here Brett. Very nice. Some Who influence for sure.

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

Cool, very cool...

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Agree with James - retrotastic (and tasty)!

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Thanks a lot: Andrew, James, Proods, ORH!

oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

braw tell yer maw, reminds me of spirit at times circa spirit of 77.

The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Your stuff is amazing. It's fun trying to guess at your musical influences...but the music is so unique.

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Oddly wonderful Psychedelia. What colorful retro sounds.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

... I have absolutely no idea why I like it!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

WOW! This is either sublime genius or utter twaddle. I choose the former... Love it.
