Richard Hardrick's listening history
This fantasy was composed for a guitar several years ago. Later I arranged it for an orchestra. I tried to reach the baroque sound.
This is a clip from our show on Friday 28th November. It's just a taster of what the Rob and Steve Christmas song might end up sounding like. There are a few wayward vocals and off-beat bell-jangles, but you get the idea. It's called "Christmas…
An electronic track from the Dead In The Water sessions. I thought the Last FM version was missing something, so I went in to fine-tune it.
This is the end-result of that fine-tuning.
The track deals with how there are usually no easy outs…
The film was supposed to be dark and disturbing, something about a man who works in an antique shop who thinks a mannequin is making him kill people. Or maybe the mannequin really was making him kill people. I don't know, it was hard to tell from…
It's ALL bass, and one ocarina track. And a gong. And a radio broadcast from Saudi Arabia from Desert Storm (the first time we went over). So I guess it's not ALL bass. It's MOSTLY bass.
this one almost didn't make it on. Used to like it, but now, not so much.
One of MNCC's few songs with lyrics that can be recognized as english. Plus, it's a true story (even if it is about 2 different people) and it's got a Simpson's reference.