Richard Hardrick's listening history

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glu's avatar
I recorded this ocelot while it was in a trap. There are several traps set up here at the research station to catch mammals so that they can be radio-collared for research. I am currently working on a tune made entirely with this sample- stay tuned!
glu's avatar
This tune was made with a single sample of some oropendolas feeding on capotroche.
glu's avatar
This song was made entirely from a single sample of a toucan. Enjoy!
glu's avatar
titi monkeys, spider monkeys, tamarins, an ocelot, a frog, and a bird thrown together to make this musical menagerie of jungle life.
glu's avatar
Yeah I wrote this with a little help form Dmoneye. Here are the lyrics: 2008 presidential (s)election It’s the 2008 presidential selection, not election planned to perfection by media's erection for soundbyte speeches by political leeches to…
glu's avatar
to transport me elsewhere...
glu's avatar
didgeridoo, bamboo flute, synths, and vocal love
glu's avatar
The first bioelectrophilia track since returning to the US. This song was made with only 2 saki monkey vocalizations. Note the beginning of the song which demonstrates how one vocalization was turned into part of the percussion.
glu's avatar
Another bioelectrophilia tune. This one was made with two bird samples, one of them an eagle.