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2008 Presidential (S)election


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Yeah I wrote this with a little help form Dmoneye. Here are the lyrics:

2008 presidential (s)election

It’s the 2008 presidential selection, not election
planned to perfection by media’s erection
for soundbyte speeches by political leeches
to reach us on a level that preaches
commoditizing Jesus for political reasons
this political season, it’s social treason
single line hubris, it has some adhesion
region by region sees the gross of this legion
that distracts from issues that beg for focus
but hocus pocus again the media cloaked us
while the economy choaked us
and we’re lost with no locus
and votin again for a party that broke us

the’re bankrupt and corrupt we need to wake
this dream we need to disrupt, we do not drink their cup
full of poison and toxin and ego extortion
feedin’ us false choices like the right to abortion
we each deserve a portion of the corporate fortune
but only a few are given something woth livin’
and rest tucked away in IRAs and stocks and real estate
low interest rates, and funds to lobby the state
2008 presidential selection not election
democracy’s infection is money flowin from every direction
cash money representin’
corruption in every mathematical dimension
innocent lives in military detention
habius corpus was a useless invention
and did I mention the state’s disaffection
for liberty and feedom… we need to beat em

It’s the 2008 presidential selection not election
a failed policy is a reflection of
a myth we call democracy
political hypocracy
a red and blue spin on the same ideology
the velocity of shittalk philosophy has gotten me
more animosity with every new atrocity
designed by the plutocracy on an oil seeking odyssey
the psychology of this anomaly is akin to idolatry

The 2008 presidential selection not election
voting was an invention to
legitimize political repression
and innocent detention
give the canditate your blessins
hope you learned your fuckin lesson

it’s the 2008 presidential selection not election

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said


jennifer's avatar
jennifer said

Wish you were back in the (other) jungle?

Lux Divon's avatar
Lux Divon said

hey glu, we'd love to have you out at one our live shows. We're playing today for the Pecan Street Festival downtown. at 3pm. at Maggie Mae's. check out for all of our shows. would be great to meet/hang out talk about making music. p.s. i like the political nature of this one. i've got a brand new one i bet you'd like.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said


another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said


brando's avatar
brando said

You're tapping into my greatest anxiety.

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