hills's listening history

Sudara's avatar
Sudara does Pop. The vocals/piano are rough as heck, but better early than never. Amazing Drum love from Glu. Backup vox from Marlena Koppendorfer.
Sudara's avatar
After an adventure in re-recording the entire song down a third, we came back to the original, tightened and tuned. Always the self flagellating perfectionist, it still needs a bit more love. Always the pragmatist, it is probably done for now.
Sudara's avatar
A chillaxed and noodling instrumental with just my acoustic guitar and a tad bit o bass.
Sudara's avatar
This is the first cover song I've ever really recorded in my 15 years of playing and recording. The guitar and voice are each full continuous takes, I didn't want to do comping (copy and pasting), though the vocal harmony parts were done in…
Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
hills's avatar
glu's avatar
Just a mellow track I whipped up last night before bed. The field recording is from the Peruvian Amazon- I forget which habitat it was recorded in, but my guess is near bamboo... during the morning.
Oh My Goodness's avatar
i started writing this song 5 years ago and finally recorded it this year. sad to say, but my $$ situation isn't that much different. this is a whiny song from a liberal-arts grad who is a brat and can't really make ends meet in NYC. i definitely…