Comments on igor's stuff

igor's avatar
Departing - leave. Do not believe. And don't say words of farewell. All told. Love can't go back... ~Echoes~
igor's avatar
igor said

He didn't think to look back. Incidentally, he can not - he's a wolf. Only forward, without fear and unnecessary doubts! Where is the light..?

igor's avatar
Departing - leave. Do not believe. And don't say words of farewell. All told. Love can't go back... ~Echoes~
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

The empty room that echoes with the thoughts of it....but don't look said don't look back.....not even a peek

igor's avatar
Departing - leave. Do not believe. And don't say words of farewell. All told. Love can't go back... ~Echoes~
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Beautiful, ethereal...!

igor's avatar
Departing - leave. Do not believe. And don't say words of farewell. All told. Love can't go back... ~Echoes~
Guest said

Well it totally pulled me in. Glorious playing Igor! Hmm, another fascinating "about" I see.

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

What adorable music!!

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
Guest said

Superbly witty!

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
Guest said

Bubbly little number - enchanted my daughters. :)

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
igor's avatar
igor said

Pretty little understated tune because I used a very old very and dusted and aged instrument; whistles - it's a bird, bird... :-)

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
Guest said

Pretty little understated tune here, oh, and who can whistle then?

igor's avatar
This is about the free spirit soaring high above the seas, forests, cities and times. ~There is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark~
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
igor's avatar
igor said

.....a question from public: "And what about love?" (updated)

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

a smile yes,, a fond memory for a place i have never been,, really nice

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Love the pace of this, a nice slow walk....back to the car with a nice clean mornings first light.....the birds are singing and the carnival of summer begins....with a mysterious bass line.....and the long lost art of the whistle....excellent

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
igor's avatar
igor said

A smile is the best reward, thank you Kirk :-)

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Can't help but smile at this one!

igor's avatar
~Good things don't age. What about a man?~ I was a fan of easy listenings like Enoch Light, still love these sounds and light pleasure that they bring. Here so. P.S. Night birds recorded in Berlin this April, silly whistling/theme is mine…
Drop D's avatar
Drop D said

enjoying the scenery of this nice leisurely stroll.

igor's avatar
~images of bygone days~ This was 2009, and it was a photo contest to provide seven pictures of a story and all that. I, together with other, more talented photographers, was in. In parallel with the images I have written short seven neo…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

i would be hard pressed to think of a better way to spend any 9 minutes than by listening to your wonderful playing here,, ( and yes i mean that for all things considered!) this is a really beautiful/artistic set of musical notes,, it's amazing how with just 12 different notes (over several octaves, to be sure) and a magical use of timing you can create such a full rich picture... both lovely and brilliant R

igor's avatar
Whatever happens - go ahead, to keep up with _________ (insert here). For the life itself it does not matter - you go or not. ~Hyperion Cantos~
Guest said

Love this as it grows and brings a smile. Love the carnival feel of the instrumentation and arrangement.

igor's avatar
This is about the free spirit soaring high above the seas, forests, cities and times. ~There is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark~
Guest said

Don't be afraid of the dark...great playing and variations!

igor's avatar
This is about the free spirit soaring high above the seas, forests, cities and times. ~There is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it's all dark~
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

