Let Them Eat Bass's listening history
Interview. 2010. Set to music. Subject unknown.
New version for the band to have a spin of... now with vocals (and out of tune guitars). One of these days I will actually upload a whole song! No... really!
Just a weird exercise to see if I can do this... you can too! starting just under the C on the circle of fifths, using drop D tuning, its a repeating pattern, all the way up the neck... it wont take much for you to figure it out once you realize…
Cover of the Smiths song from 1983.
One of the big influences on my life.
For the Songcrafters.org fest.
I've added my own 'Newport Remix' at the end in the style of 80's remixes.
Also found at http://altairsound.com/music/?p=1074