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iocthulhu's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Let Them Eat Bass


Red Quarks

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Warning: Crude (by today’s standards) Synthesizer

(Amiga MED module, ca 1992) Science fiction. It’s a genre, isn’t it? Yes, but for writing, not music, muttonhead! So say the squares. To which I say: bah!

This piece has a somewhat odd musical structure; it kind of goes all over the place, without building up to anything… kind of an A-A’-A-B-C-D form. It seems coherent to me despite that, though. Either you like it or you don’t, but you knew that already.

Due to the technical limitations of Amiga audio (stereo with only 2 voices per channel), MED modules tend to sound a bit awkward with headphones. Speakers are better.
