James Michael Taylor's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
improv on National Resonator.
LimboManBand's avatar
People are dying every day in the street People are dying every day People are dying every day in the street Just for being people in the street Peace, when's it coming, coming for the people in the street Peace, you can sing it Sing it for the…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
This is a recent recording of CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT I did for the BUDDIES CD called SigNature Songs. (C) 2008 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
INFATUATION UNREQUITED Capo @ 3 in C C stepping down to B They say it's just infatuation Am Bass -G F I only wish it was true. F Fm C F G C Infatuation unrequited…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
There was this biker bar called The 2500 Club. Just west of Sylvania on Belknap. On a sign outside it says, "The best little biker bar in Texas." Guthrie and Rick and I played there long enough to get to feeling pretty much like family. EVERYBODY…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie, DARK BLOOD. ...none the less, in my broken mind, some of the false hope leaks thru... Key D capo @ 2 in C I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
CHERRY LAUREL - James Michael Taylor - 081111 Dm C B A There’s nothing quite so slow to grow as a cherry laurel tree A fingerling beneath an old oak canopy Presented as a volunteer, that creek bank west of town One hundred yards from our…
kavin.'s avatar
improv on National Resonator.
kavin.'s avatar
Back to basics here. recorded with the Yeti mic. Ramblin' round your city,ramblin' round your town I never see a friend I know As I go ramblin' round boys As I go ramblin' round My sweetheart and my parents I left in my old hometown…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie, DARK BLOOD. ...none the less, in my broken mind, some of the false hope leaks thru... Key D capo @ 2 in C I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…