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James Michael Taylor

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After reading the book: The Immortal Life of Henryetta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Google HeLa cells and you’ll get the whole story. The most famous cell line EVER.


Her name was Henryetta Lacks but she never knew
Her family finally learned the facts there was nothing they could do
Run, HeLa, run. Run, HeLa, run.
The doctors stole her tissue and much to their surprise
The normal cell will wear out but Henryetta’s multiplies
Run, HeLa, run. Run, HeLa, run.
The things they stole from her. They never told her.
It isn’t over yet.
Tho HeLa lives on - hell of a lesson
(a million cells grow into a billion cells more
a billion cells grow into a trillion cells more)
Them that’s got gets more. Them that ain’t stays poor
Now every lab coat is contaminated.
It’s a HeLa of a mess.
They called her Helen. No laws were broken.
Henrietta’s dead and gone but HeLa carries on.
Her name was Henryetta Lacks, a mother and a wife
Sixty years later and we celebrate her life
Run, HeLa, run. Run, HeLa, run.
The things they stole from her. They never told her
It isn’t over yet.
Now every lab coat is contaminated.
It’s a HeLa of a mess.
They called her Helen. No laws were broken.
Henrietta’s dead and gone but HeLa carries on.
Her name was Henryetta Lacks, a mother and a wife
Sixty years later and we celebrate her life
Run, HeLa, run. Run, HeLa, run.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I don't understand being criticized for a track being TOO LOUD. Doesn't everybody have a "volume" knob?

Guest said

GREAT STUFF,James!!!!!!! This is definitely my favorite JMT track so far.

Guest said

Amazing, love it!

G-no's avatar
G-no said

Haven't read the book so I don't get it but it sounds good. Your production is very good. I hear a little David Bowie in the singing, but it's still your voice. there were just a couple of lines in there that made me flash on that

Guest said

I love the way you have made this true story into a song. Straight to the point lyrics with tremendous backing vocals. It's a very strong and determined sounding track.

Guest said

Oh JM, it is very loud! Come on, don't be like that, you can think of something.

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