James Michael Taylor's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
This is the original recording of this song from their 1976 Feathers In The Wind LP. CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT Key G (open G tuning GGDGBD) They’re flying in from miles around - C They circle and they settle down – Bm They sit and feel the…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
This is a recent recording of CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT I did for the BUDDIES CD called SigNature Songs. (C) 2008 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
INFATUATION UNREQUITED Capo @ 3 in C C stepping down to B They say it's just infatuation Am Bass -G F I only wish it was true. F Fm C F G C Infatuation unrequited…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
There was this biker bar called The 2500 Club. Just west of Sylvania on Belknap. On a sign outside it says, "The best little biker bar in Texas." Guthrie and Rick and I played there long enough to get to feeling pretty much like family. EVERYBODY…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie, DARK BLOOD. ...none the less, in my broken mind, some of the false hope leaks thru... Key D capo @ 2 in C I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Google it: Husband kills boyfriend and wife, then kills self. POTTER'S FIELD KEY Em Capo @ 3 Em……..(hold) Figure 1 is C G Am Em, Figure 2 is A A Em Em F 1 - You might as well take me out and stand me up against the wall F 1 - I don…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie, DARK BLOOD. ...none the less, in my broken mind, some of the false hope leaks thru... Key D capo @ 2 in C I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…
coelocanth's avatar
James Michael Taylor's avatar
There was this biker bar called The 2500 Club. Just west of Sylvania on Belknap. On a sign outside it says, "The best little biker bar in Texas." Guthrie and Rick and I played there long enough to get to feeling pretty much like family. EVERYBODY…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
STRICKEN - James Michael Taylor Boy's Theme (River Phoenix) in River's last movie, DARK BLOOD. ...none the less, in my broken mind, some of the false hope leaks thru... Key D capo @ 2 in C I've been C stricken. I've been pierced…