James Michael Taylor's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Mariam was telling me about how much her Daddy meant to her and how when she plays and people "hear" her it is like her daddy is there too.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE LEAP Well, a man took a walk down a trail with his buddies. Everybody came along. And they came to a cravis with a pumas at the bottom and he was singing this song "Well, you can go back or you can leap forward, or you can leave it up…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
You look out the window and the creek is swelling. Slowly crossing the lawn and heading up the driveway.... Time to get the lawnmower to higher ground. TODAY IT’S GONNA RAIN - Key C G Today it’s gonna…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
You look out the window and the creek is swelling. Slowly crossing the lawn and heading up the driveway.... Time to get the lawnmower to higher ground. TODAY IT’S GONNA RAIN - Key C G Today it’s gonna…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE LEAP Well, a man took a walk down a trail with his buddies. Everybody came along. And they came to a cravis with a pumas at the bottom and he was singing this song "Well, you can go back or you can leap forward, or you can leave it up…
launched's avatar
It's not unusual to chase your girl around with a dull axe, is it? Just kidding - This was 60 tracks and almost a year to finish. I had some help: Guitars: Tony W Fadeout Solo: Gnasty Acoustic/Rhythm Guitars: Me Phone Message: Tony W &…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I wrote another song but the general reaction suggested that I best "scrap the puppy." So, I salvaged what I could and started over. This is what I got... I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S GONE
James Michael Taylor's avatar
There is nothing like the presence of a horse. The quiet understanding. The gentle strength. Woodlake, California...1961. I had a horse. She was my friend. There were times in my teens when Babe was the only being that did not judge me…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Sometimes the past just looks better then the present...because it was. Trying not to be too sad about it.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Mariam was telling me about how much her Daddy meant to her and how when she plays and people "hear" her it is like her daddy is there too.