James Michael Taylor's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
If you were dead my life would be simple I'd hurt and miss you like I do But the missing would be different, if you were dead If you were dead it would be all over I'd cry and write a song or two But the songs would be different, if you were…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
FOREVER She stares out the window. That look in her eye How deep can her heart know life's passing her by The radio's playing. She holds back a tear A song she's forgotten Holds back the years...Forever And she says, "I wish I 'd loved…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
(C) 2009 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I KNEW YOU'S GONNA SAY THAT Well, I woke up this mornin agreeing with you completely Oh, yeah, I woke up this mornin agreeing with you completely (forgive me for this silly song...) (C) 2009 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
COOKIES G B7 Em C G) I got a lawn to mow. B7) Weeds to hoe. Em) Cans I need to cash in at C) Recycle rodeo Thots I need to think. Sites I need to link Piles of dirty dishes waiting in the sink But I got A) cookies in the kitchen and…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
One night this lady, unbeknownst to me, on the verge of suicide, asked me to write a happy song for her. Instead of killing herself, she left her husband. Now she's married to someone else and is acting very happy, herself. UPDATE: She killed…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
WHEN HANNAH IS SILENT When Hanna is silent, I worry When Hanna squirt, I wait When Hannah shuts down, There's a cloud on this town Her silence increases the distance When Hannah is silent, it's dark Her words are the cues To find…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
FISHING People keep saying that it's a big ocean There's more than one fish in the sea Where did they get such a ridiculous notion What's fishin' between you and me Fishin' or fusion, photo voltaic cells Wind mills and hydrogen too…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
by James Michael Taylor I have a brain that I must keep busy I have a heart with too many hurts And I have a house with too many memories My life is broken but somehow it still works And I have a dream that wakes me up crying I feel…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
PORTAL and HAPPINESS and TIME are three of the songs on my new CD, EUREKA. Short pieces. TIME There was a time when I figured my Chevy van would last forever I guess that was back when I was about thirty And there was a time when I thot…