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I was standing there just pumping gas and pissing on my tire
When I dropped my wallet. The situation’s dire
I got water on my wallet and water on my shoe
Standing there at half a tank wondering what to do

It’s kinda hard to zip it up when you’re bending down
The candy in my (coat) pocket was falling on the ground
Now there’s candy in the puddle melting in the piss
Whoda thot an M&M would ever come to this

They don’t melt in your pocket it’s known across the land
And we all learned as children, they don’t melt in your hand
To save them from destruction I’d have to think of something fast
About that time the hose clicked off. My car was full of gas

There was this water hydrant to wash off your wind shied
I thot I’d wash them off before they all could melt
The urination ate right thru that candy sugar coat
Right down to the chocolate. I guess you’d like to know

What it’s like to salvage something that seems so lost
I’ve been told the astronauts on whom we spare no cost
Recycle water when they’re in outer space
So come with me and hug a tree, it’s such a sin to waste

The moral of the story when gassing up my car
At a busy intersection where lots of people are
Driving in and looking around and sometimes right at me
Maybe in the future I’ll find a better place to bee. Be.

(C) 2015 Royal T Music

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Bwahaha! What a tale. Damn. Rock on, James.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

oh the humanity.. :0
