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I DO 121411

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I DO - capo @ 3 in C

C Dm
You made the stars disappear
You said the words that I most feared
C stepping down to G…C
Why in the world would a boy want a girl like you?
You put the sun in my eyes
You hanged the moon behind clouded skies
Why in the world would a boy want to whirl with you?
Well, I do. Yes, I do.
Why in the world would I want a girl like you?

You made my day into night
You are the dream that swallowed the light
Why in the world would a guy want a girl like you?

You put my faith to the test
You ate the heart and left me the rest
Why in the world would a guy want a girl like that?

But I do. Yes, I do.
Why in the world would I want a girl like that?

I reach out and touch thin air
Ours is the flesh we no longer share
Why in the world would I cry for a girl like you?

But I do. Yes, I do.
Words that we said, when we were wed
“I do. I do.”
Why in the world would I cry for a girl like you?
Why in the world would a guy want a girl like you?

(C) 2007 Royal T Music

Guest said

One of my favorites. I hadn't heard it in a while. One of those that is soothing with the melody, but so sad when the words sneak up and take you into a personal space.
