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I heard this kid say the moon looked like a tortilla
Some people say they can see a man in the moon
But I know, if you look just right, you can see the face of Marylin Monroe
Yeah, when the moon first comes up it looks like a big ripe peach
And I’ve always wandered why it gets smaller and smaller as it crosses the sky
Oh, there’s a lot of songs about the moon
I guess the moon is sort of inspiring to people

Keep on, Butter Moon
Keep on, Butter Moon
Butter Moon

One night we’d been haying and I was sleeping up on the truck
On top of the hay, and you could hear something down in the bushes
The moon was so bright that night I could see this little armadillo
Down there, just digging up the grubs or whatever they eat

When I was a kid, we had to go milk the cow
We’d pour the milk in the churn. Bang it around a while
Get the butter out. Slap it into the butter tub.
That’s what the moon looks like to me: A big old tub of butter…

(C) 2008 Royal T music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

LeAnna M Christian James Michael Taylor that is a snazzy moony tune 😉

Guest said

I can't seem to get it to download or play dude.

Guest said

nice. real nice, James!
