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THE GIFT - key C

An architect in Bakersfield gave him a gift of wine
Napa Valley, California, famous for the vine
When the grape is coupled with the peach, the promise is divine
But he would never pull the cork as he alone would dine

The day they cleaned his kitchen out, on a refrigerator shelf
Back behind the yogurt all by itself
Wrapped up in a brittle, faded paper sack
Was a note that just said, “Peggy, Welcome back.”

And some will age gracefully just like a treasured wine
But in Michael’s final years he was clearly in decline
And every time he opened that refrigerator door
He thot of her and her return and little more

(We are gathered here today to say good-bye…)

They might as well have buried him next to his mom and dad
They were the final links to this world that he had
Instead, it took him several years to fall apart
Surprisingly, it was his brain and not his heart

This is a made up story except about the wine
You see, I’m still here and I’m doing fine
But every time I see that bottle, “Napa Valley Peach”
I wonder how well one can live when Love is out of reach

(C) 2015 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"Wow!" laz

Guest said

sounds good. the lyrical tweaks worked. the production is simple and effective. the vocals on the last verse seem to be punched in and out a lot, i wasn't sure if you were going for an effect or what, but it distracted me from the song a little. otherwise, that's a gooder 'un. jbp

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Bittersweet. Dark, painful, but beautiful. Very well recorded -- mixed and mustered with great care and taste.
