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James Michael Taylor

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Even we who think we are too good to watch soap operas watch soap operas.

HOUSE Key - D (C capo @ 2) 0516/1712

I don’t have a life/Not a real life
Tho I may be bold/I don’t have a hand to hold

I don’t have a life/Not a real life
No one to talk to/When the sky is blue

But I can laugh
I’m free to cry-i
When I watch House
I’ll tell you why

It’s all about House/Gregory House
It’s a TV show/You should know

I watch it on line/Hulu tells me each time
Yes I subscribe/I’m part of that tribe

I always laugh
I’m free to cry-e
When I watch House
It’s not about me

Instrumental of Verse and Chorus

I don’t have a life/Not real life
My night is cold/Got nobody to hold

I don’t have a life/Not a real life
No one to run to/When I am blue

I always laugh
I always cry
When I watch House
It’s all about me…

(C) 2012 Royal T Music

stoman's avatar
stoman said

I can say with a clean consience that I don't watch any soaps - because I never watch tv. :) I don't know "House", but I'm sure my mother would love it. :) Nice song, James! About time to listen to some of your recently posted songs. If only there were more hours in a day ... Regards, Steffen

Guest said

When I read the lyric, I wondered at you watching "House". Well, the song is really brill and you sing it so well. The strings give it a wonderful melancholy flavour.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

TV the confidant of generations

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