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James Michael Taylor

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James Michael Taylor

Midnight in COWTOWN. 90 degrees
Too hot for a blanket. Too hot for a sheet
The trash on the sidewalk is trying to sleep
Breathing the bus fumes on Lancaster Street…

Sunshine brings tacos. Sunshine brings beans
Sunshine brings water to that First Tuesday scene
Sunshine brings music and coats for the lean
Not enough Sunshine on Lancaster Street

We are the people who pause when we meet
Pacing from Cypress down to Riverside.

Under the freeway. Under the tree
Men with their badges tell us to leave
My sign by the ramp that says “Anything, Please!”
Then back to the Quick Stop on Lancaster Street

Missions are crowded. Beds almost filled
And all I need is a $2 bill

And who will push me when I lose my feet
Wheel chairs and crutches on Lancaster Street.

High Noon in COWTOWN. 100 degrees
Hotter the black top. Hot the concrete
Holes in the souls that shelter my feet
In the summer they burn. In the winter they freeze.

On the sidewalks in COWTOWN on Lancaster Street…

(C) 2017 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Leslie Young Beautiful but sad. Lee Snaples Such a great song, so poignant

Guest said

fuckin awesome song but why didn't you sing the last 2 lines?

Guest said

This brings tears to my eyes. The imagery couldn't be better for spreading empathy.

Guest said

imagery is perfect james.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

What a Beautiful spooky song… Brought tears to my eyes… Mission accomplished! Honored to be part of the inspiration that lead to your creation James Michael Taylor - Sunshine Avery

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