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James Michael Taylor

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PEGGY’S GONE Capo @ 3 in C

            C                                         G                

Peggy’s gone, after twenty nine years
Am F
Three grown children. What am I doing here?
Why am I still alive? What am I supposed to do?
Am F
I ask myself. I’m asking you.

Peggy’s gone. She says it’s for good.
I say, “That’s bad.” But then I would.
Why am I still alive? What am I supposed to do?
I ask myself. I’m asking you.

                                 C                                      G

There’s a reason to live. I suspect that it’s true.
Am F
But can I trust someone? Someone like you?

Peggy’s gone. Til death do us part.
Will it be me, or will it just be my heart?
A promise that’s kept. A promise betrayed,
Is it just as it seems or is it justice delayed?

Am I some old dog you drop off at the pound?
If you’re gonna leave me you need to have me put down.

Peggy’s gone. She says it’s for good.
I say, “That’s bad.” But then I would.

(C) 2011 Royal T Music

After we signed our divorce papers, Peggy dropped me off across the street from the house and as I got out of the car she said, “I feel like I’m dropping a dog off at the pound.”

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Cheri Chandler James Michael Taylor that's so very sadly moving. A beautiful heart like yours to have remained locked away for so many years....

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

“I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.” - Charles Dickens

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Paul Smith James Michael Taylor I freaking love your music.

mminnix44's avatar
mminnix44 said


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