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James Michael Taylor's avatar
When I was a kid, my dad was the preacher at the Church of Christ in Tehachapi, California. We lived in Palmdale, so we'd get up early on Sunday mornings, pile the 5 of us into our 1950 Chevy coupe and head up thru Lancaster and Mojave, over the…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
PEGGY'S GONE Capo @ 3 in C C G Peggy's gone, after twenty nine years Am F Three grown children. What…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
M E L I S S A Key of G These are letters I like to say - M E L I S S A These are notes I like to play…… Letters that sparkle. Notes that jingle Make a little song in my heart There’s a song in my heart today - M E L I S S A I wish…
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