jaxxfx32's listening history

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
One of the joys of listening to music on the internet is encountering music that sets off chimes of inspiration in our own minds. This holds especially true when the one doing the inspiring is a friend. Bruce Lesisko uploaded a song called Flyfinger…
hotmeatballs's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
The doctor has told thetworegs something they don't want to hear. So they funk it out........ RPM2011
epimeison's avatar
Miniature. Enjoy (if you are able to!)
vaisvil's avatar
Van Gogh, On the Threshold of Eternity Gary from music by computer suggested a re-master with less drum volume - your choice http://micro.soonlabel.com/17-ET/daily20110125b-17-reasons-I-hate-the-blues.mp3 I've had severe computer trouble…
vaisvil's avatar
Based on Norm Harris' Percussion Solo Moonbathing http://alonetone.com/norm/tracks/moonbathing this piece uses bass pictured above after conversion to fretless and uses my fretless Fender Squire through the metallurgy 3 demo effect.
vaisvil's avatar
Based on Norm Harris' Percussion Solo Moonbathing http://alonetone.com/norm/tracks/moonbathing this piece uses bass pictured above after conversion to fretless and uses my fretless Fender Squire through the metallurgy 3 demo effect.
vaisvil's avatar
I have a story to tell. Debbie and I went to a Guitar Center across town looking for a cheap used bass for me to convert to fretless like I did my Squire Strat. Well.... I ran into a really nice used Ibanez 5 string bass - with a B below E…
vaisvil's avatar
I have a story to tell. Debbie and I went to a Guitar Center across town looking for a cheap used bass for me to convert to fretless like I did my Squire Strat. Well.... I ran into a really nice used Ibanez 5 string bass - with a B below E…
vaisvil's avatar
I have a story to tell. Debbie and I went to a Guitar Center across town looking for a cheap used bass for me to convert to fretless like I did my Squire Strat. Well.... I ran into a really nice used Ibanez 5 string bass - with a B below E…