Jay Durfey
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Another free jam, stream of consciousness type thang
One of only two tracks on the album where loops were used more than instruments, or at least as much.
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This track is written and performed by my 12 year old son Zack. He really is coming along great as a musician, and I'm proud to include him in my RPM project for a second year!
From the 24 hour album. Began this one 47 minutes into the 24hr session. Listen to the full work here: http://alonetone.com/glu/tracks/glus-24
I haven't touched this track in over two months. What does it need?
Instrumentation: Bamboo flute…
Instrumentation: fretless bass, tabla, acoustic and distorted acoustic guitar, hang drum samples (courtesy of Sudara), soft synth (AAS Ultra Analog), ambient sample of the jungle (pitched down two octaves) a sprinkle of ebow (from my Sudara files).
You’re taking me down
Breaking me down again
Circling around
Spinning toward the bottom
It’s a place we know
Where we always go
We can’t get lost
We know the way
Do we crave the dark
Long for misery
Embrace the end
To only rise again
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Instrumentation: fretless bass, tabla, acoustic and distorted acoustic guitar, hang drum samples (courtesy of Sudara), soft synth (AAS Ultra Analog), ambient sample of the jungle (pitched down two octaves) a sprinkle of ebow (from my Sudara files).
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
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Lyrics and inspiration from the wonderful Louise Peacock (Weezy) Music and vocals by Jay. Louise has this great set of lyrics with a message and has been offering them up to other artists that want to contribute their take on it. You can go here…
blown away!
beautiful. Reminds me Pink Floyd. Keri here.
“Jay Durfey seeks to convey a feeling of intimacy through intricacy. Exploring the creative freedom of composing and recording with his guitars and a vast array of virtual instruments, Jay strives to strike a balance between organic and electronic musical elements. The result in this is an eclectic mix of guitar-infused electronica which evokes vast and verdant soundscapes of the imagination.
from Guelph, Canada
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25 tracks