jimgoodinmusic's listening history

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
A live track, originally 37 minutes long, folded in over itself, with one half time stretched a bit.
Breaking Light's avatar
A live track, originally 37 minutes long, folded in over itself, with one half time stretched a bit.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A Pure Data piece creating FM like beats and driving a TX81Z piano voice with a PD sequencer.
Newbold's avatar
the submission for the sound-in event Groove--- I have taken my voice and some synth samples mixed them in novations iPad app LaunchPad- so as using the voice samples in loops not too groovin but anyway---
Newbold's avatar
the submission for the sound-in event Groove--- I have taken my voice and some synth samples mixed them in novations iPad app LaunchPad- so as using the voice samples in loops not too groovin but anyway---
Newbold's avatar
these is a much slower and meditative version of be the groove song--- it is mostly different of course I designed the lauchpad app settings for groove type playing- :)
Newbold's avatar
the submission for the sound-in event Groove--- I have taken my voice and some synth samples mixed them in novations iPad app LaunchPad- so as using the voice samples in loops not too groovin but anyway---
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A Pure Data patch that evolved in working with a hanning array to get cleaner playback in my loops. I used 4 loops of a previous loop and developed two noise parts that are either similating surf or wind or both. For this week's Sound-In event…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A Pure Data patch that evolved in working with a hanning array to get cleaner playback in my loops. I used 4 loops of a previous loop and developed two noise parts that are either similating surf or wind or both. For this week's Sound-In event…