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eno Moon

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Another computer generated composition largely created using Csound, an audio programming environment built in the c language by Barry Vercoe in the mid-80’s at MIT. I’ve recently been experimenting with it creating synthesis sounds. This piece utilizes sine tones at 380, 420, 460 and 500 hz chosen at random wondering what they would sound like. I used envelope programming from an example in an online tutorial. WIthin the csound environment I sequenced 1:45 of the piece then exported that to a wav, imported in to Audacity and manipulated. The sound brought visions of both early Brian Eno as well as things lunar :)

The Happy Inconsistencies's avatar
The Happy Inconsistencies said

This is cool. I am a programmer by day. Never heard of Csound but have you tried PureData. Its similarly low level but its visual (drag and drop and draw instead of typing).
