lick lichens's listening history

MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
I grew up in the US believing in many fairy tales. It is getting harder to believe in them all
lick lichens's avatar
do you like the beach?
lick lichens's avatar
do you like the beach?
glu's avatar
welcome back to the singularity!
glu's avatar
title says it all... drinking coffee... playing tablas... hope it makes you want to dance
glu's avatar
I'm better at using my pots and pans for music than for food, so I post this tune in hunger. 3 pots, 1 pan, and a tabla. "i'm just a gangsta in the jungle" recorded in the amazon. It's actually a part of a monologue that I will likely never post…
glu's avatar
the lead synth line is 1/8 beat longer than other measures. It repeats 3 times at 8/8 and then the last one 9/8, which causes the lead to sound slightly more varied throughout the track. it starts a little later each time..
Oh My Goodness's avatar
i started writing this song 5 years ago and finally recorded it this year. sad to say, but my $$ situation isn't that much different. this is a whiny song from a liberal-arts grad who is a brat and can't really make ends meet in NYC. i definitely…
heathermarie's avatar
Gumbo's avatar
A fun childrens tune from 2008, it really ought to be a hot fiddle tune but i don't have a hot fiddle. Old fox coming down the road now Bunny Bunny Run Run Bunny Bunny Go White tails bobbing in the air there funny bunny Go Go Bunny Bunny Run…