Lee Rosevere
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Although Asimov doesn't have a story directly named after the super-computer, it does
appear in many of his sci-fi stories, and is related to many of the stories that inspired
these compositions. So, it is fitting as it serves a bit of a 'overture…
A company that sells high-quality 'dreams' for those that cannot dream, is threatened by
competitors who cheapen the experience for mass consumption.
There are so many interesting elements in this story that can applied to our current world…
After defeating the Denebians, humans credit their all-knowning Multivac computer for the victory. But inside the computer, what do the humans tasked with feeding information into it do when given unreliable information? The sound of a flipped…
Sometimes society gets wrapped up in their own routine, failing to notice the sheer beauty that surrounds them on a daily basis, until a moment of chance changes everything.
Matter does matter - probably one of Asimov's strangest stories (personally speaking), even with it's emotional ending.
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One of my favourite stories from his collection - not so far from the real world, as a home-made 'chronoscope' (a device that allows viewing of any place or time from up to 80 years ago) makes security and privacy a thing of the past.
Matter does matter - probably one of Asimov's strangest stories (personally speaking), even with it's emotional ending.
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Sometimes society gets wrapped up in their own routine, failing to notice the sheer beauty that surrounds them on a daily basis, until a moment of chance changes everything.
The last track, featuring long uncomplicated notes to fully dive into sleep. More music for kids at kazoomzoom.com
Although Asimov doesn't have a story directly named after the super-computer, it does
appear in many of his sci-fi stories, and is related to many of the stories that inspired
these compositions. So, it is fitting as it serves a bit of a 'overture…
From Music for MOBA: a collection of pieces inspired by paintings from The Museum of Bad Art.
A company that sells high-quality 'dreams' for those that cannot dream, is threatened by
competitors who cheapen the experience for mass consumption.
There are so many interesting elements in this story that can applied to our current world…
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From "Backtime". The original working title of this song was "Michael McDonald's Hair", not that tells you much.
so amazing and perfect for my videos thanks
One of Asimov's most famous stories, the music attempts to re-create the world that knows nothing but daylight. Unsettling, but bright sounds hint at the looming darkness that must come, ending with the crescending voices of fear and madness…
Although Asimov doesn't have a story directly named after the super-computer, it does
appear in many of his sci-fi stories, and is related to many of the stories that inspired
these compositions. So, it is fitting as it serves a bit of a 'overture…
A company that sells high-quality 'dreams' for those that cannot dream, is threatened by
competitors who cheapen the experience for mass consumption.
There are so many interesting elements in this story that can applied to our current world…
One of Asimov's most famous stories, the music attempts to re-create the world that knows nothing but daylight. Unsettling, but bright sounds hint at the looming darkness that must come, ending with the crescending voices of fear and madness…
Brett Warren
I really enjoyed this album! Lots of rich textures with a sinister edge to it. Excellent work.
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49 tracks