Leftiness's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
Leftiness's avatar
I know, another terribly clichéd title... I'm just bad at naming them, I guess... I just kinda sat down and wrote this one in over the past few hours... I liked it, so I'm uploading it... Or maybe I'm falling back to uploading everything... I…
Leftiness's avatar
This isn't the work-in-progress version... hence the 2. Strings changed to low clarinet; music box changed to high clarinet... A bit of duet-ish-ness going on... Yeah.
Leftiness's avatar
This isn't the work-in-progress version... hence the 2. Strings changed to low clarinet; music box changed to high clarinet... A bit of duet-ish-ness going on... Yeah.
Leftiness's avatar
This isn't the work-in-progress version... hence the 2. Strings changed to low clarinet; music box changed to high clarinet... A bit of duet-ish-ness going on... Yeah.
Leftiness's avatar
Understand that it isn't that I've stopped writing or completely forgotten about the project, it's just that I stopped posting everything I made when I realized I was wasting my time... Nobody cares to listen to piece after piece of a developing…
Leftiness's avatar
I know, another terribly clichéd title... I'm just bad at naming them, I guess... I just kinda sat down and wrote this one in over the past few hours... I liked it, so I'm uploading it... Or maybe I'm falling back to uploading everything... I…
Leftiness's avatar
Understand that it isn't that I've stopped writing or completely forgotten about the project, it's just that I stopped posting everything I made when I realized I was wasting my time... Nobody cares to listen to piece after piece of a developing…
Leftiness's avatar
Understand that it isn't that I've stopped writing or completely forgotten about the project, it's just that I stopped posting everything I made when I realized I was wasting my time... Nobody cares to listen to piece after piece of a developing…
Greg Albrecht's avatar