lgh's listening history

lam's avatar
I know it's be some time... I personaly have ben going through some dramatic changes, and things are better each day. When I can get some free time, you know I want to hear all of the new releases from ya.. And I pray everyday for all of us…
Pablo Pax's avatar
A fair nod to electric sounds, I'll say the name of Lord Buckley, Copacetic, and a big shout to Slim Gaillard just because I can. Cement mixer, Patti Patti.
Pablo Pax's avatar
A fair nod to electric sounds, I'll say the name of Lord Buckley, Copacetic, and a big shout to Slim Gaillard just because I can. Cement mixer, Patti Patti.
Pablo Pax's avatar
Hard to explain this offensive appropriation of a "Jazz" style bass and drum thing and shoving it brutally sideways into some feel-good guitar and horns and someone forming the shape of a Rabbit out of mashed Potato.
Borstal Boys's avatar
A cover of a song we heard on a tape by the Goddamn Rattlesnake from Brooklyn, NY. A song of yearning.
lgh's avatar
You gotta love Bob Dylan! I LOVE Bob Dylan! Here's one of my favorites of his.... LG - Lead Vox & guitar Wayne 2nd Vox & guitar Background noise - family & friends LG
Psychic Sperm's avatar
Single-microphone recording of a rehearsal from March 23, 2011.
Psychic Sperm's avatar
Tom and Amy are having a baby. This song is for the little nugget.
Psychic Sperm's avatar
Our 4th song about Wawa. The praise is eternal. If you've never experienced Wawa, you just wouldn't understand.
Psychic Sperm's avatar
The title says it all. Literally.