lgh's listening history
If my memory recalls right this one was recorded in 1999 when I first picked up a guitar. It was recorded on a vhs camcorder and then later recorded onto my pc back then. I am on the acoustic doing the rhythm while my friend Sean is on the lead…
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…